Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; TK_ADS has a deprecated constructor in /home/kxih7s0nzduz/public_html/ on line 14

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Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; App_Donate has a deprecated constructor in /home/kxih7s0nzduz/public_html/ on line 292
Agents Portal | Syndicated Capital Group
Syndicated Capital Group

In 1980, as owner and CEO, Pat O’Reilly sold Sil-O-Ette, a New York based garment manufacturer which he had developed over 14 years into a nationally recognized brand. After moving to Florida in 1980, Pat became a partner in Syndicated Capital, a real estate brokerage, and in 1983, became the sole broker owner of the company.

Under Pat’s leadership, Syndicated Capital’s specialty became the purchase of distressed properties and the subsequent development and management of same to maximize their values. Through the years, Syndicated Capital has successfully developed residential lots, houses, condominiums, subdivisions and such diverse projects as dirt pits, shopping centers, office buildings and marinas.